Discriminative Localized Sparse Representations for Breast Cancer Screening

S. Makrogiannis, Harris, C. E., and Zheng, K., Discriminative Localized Sparse Representations for Breast Cancer Screening, in Mathematical and Computational Oncology - Second International Symposium, ISMCO 2020, San Diego, CA, USA, October 8-10, 2020, Proceedings, 2020.

Shape Modeling and Atlas-Based Segmentation for Identification of Lower Leg Tissues in pQCT

For prospective graduate students

We are looking for talented and self-motivated students, who are interested in the areas of mathematical imaging and visual computing with applications mainly related but not restricted to biomedicine. Interested candidates should email a cover letter and cv for consideration to smakrogiannis at desu dot edu. They should also contact DSU to apply to one of our graduate programs.
